Seamount follows the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) as set out by the Department of Basic Education and the Western Cape Education Department. There are both Formal and Continuous Assessments which take place every term in each phase, the results of which are used to calculate the learners’ final results for the term. Academic Reports are handed out to the parents at the end of each term, and meetings are held at the beginning of the following term, between the educators and parents, in order to discuss the progress of the learners.  Should further support be required, the learner will be referred to the School Based Support Team and a meeting with be arranged with the parents, class teacher and the SBST to discuss a support plan.

Every classroom is equipped with a whiteboard and projector (with links to e-learning) to enhance the learning experience.  There are also multiple resources available for educators to use to make multi-sensory teaching possible.

Foundation Phase

At Seamount Primary School, we strive to equip each child in the Foundation Phase with the confidence to achieve to their best ability. We celebrate the uniqueness of every learner, formulating our learning programmes to ensure an ethos of inclusivity for each child in our classroom. Group teaching forms a big part of our teaching program. Allowing learners to work in ability groups for certain activities means that they can work at a pace that they are comfortable with. Ability groups are reassessed regularly and learners can be moved around within the groups as and when they are ready. While academic performance is of the utmost importance, through our holistic approach, we endeavour to nurture and grow our learners’ physical, social and emotional well-being as well.

Our commitment to developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, will further equip our children for the ‘world of work’, once their school career is successfully completed.

Learning Areas

The following subjects are offered as set out in the National Curriculum:

  • Mathematics
  • English Home Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • Life Skills
  • Physical Education

Additional Subjects

  • IsiXhosa Second Additional Language
  • Creative Arts: Visual Art and Music, and Dance and Drama
  • Library
  • Computer Skills

We follow a specific reading program which involves learners taking books home on a daily basis, whether in Home Language or First Additional Language, in order to develop essential reading and comprehension skills.


Our Intermediate and Senior Phase teachers have attended many hours of Curriculum training and development including numerous ‘Bridging the Gap’ courses over their many years in education.  They use the skills and knowledge they have acquired to make the transition between Grade 3 and Grade 4, and Grade 6 and 7, as seamless as possible.

The mission of the InterSen Phase educators is to build and extend on the strong foundations laid in our Foundation Phase while preparing our learners for High School.  Our educators all try to work using a differentiated teaching approach by incorporating ICT, textbooks and practical resources into their lessons, making sure they reach all learners no matter what their preferred style of learning is.  Learners are introduced to new subjects and encouraged to become critical thinkers. Projects are created to integrate learners’ knowledge and skills across the new content and learning areas.


Each subject in the Intermediate/ Senior (Intersen) phase is based on CAPS approved and sanctioned text books. The use of technology and physical resources to extend the curriculum is a priority at our school. The following subjects are offered as set out in the National Curriculum:

  • Mathematics
  • English Home Language
  • Afrikaans First Additional Language
  • Natural Sciences & Technology (Grade 4 – 6) / Natural Sciences (Grade 7)
  • Social Sciences: History and Geography
  • PSW (Grade 4 – 6) / Life Orientation (Grade 7)
  • PE (Grade 4 – 7)
  • Economic and Management Sciences (Grade 7)
  • Technology (Grade 7)
  • Creative Arts (Grade 4 – 7 ):
    • Dance or Drama
    • Visual Arts
    • Music

Additional Subjects

  • Library
  • Computer Skills
School based support team
  • Ms. G. Johnson

  • Mrs. S. Matowa

  • Mrs. D. Botha

  • Mrs B. Dowry 

Learning support at our school is a safe and warm space, dedicated to supporting foundation phase learners with barriers to learning, and those who need extra support outside of the classroom.  Learners work in small groups to focus on concepts that will allow for consolidation and greater comprehension and understanding.  Learners attend these classes twice a week during school time.

The School Based Support Team (SBST)  is dedicated to helping learners and parents to overcome obstacles, and develop strategies to assist learners where there is an academic or emotional need, through knowledge and support.