Several fundraising events are held during the course of the year.

Our annual Spell-a-Thon is a spelling competition which has our learners rallying family and friends for donations. Raffles for Mother’s and Father’s Day are held as well as other in-house events.

Camp night is a popular event which takes place on a Friday evening early in the year. This is an exciting evening where children get to spend time with their friends and families while enjoying food, scary stories, a movie and trying to keep their tents from blowing away!

The Fun Run is an event which lives up to the ‘fun’ part of its name. Our community and Seamount families come together to enjoy a social morning together and, ultimately, help raise money for our school. The day includes a 5km Fun Run/Walk/Stroll in the Milnerton surrounds. The route is marshalled with a watering hole at the halfway mark. Back at Seamount runners crossing the finish line are met with a buzz of activity, yummy smells of food cooking, exciting stalls and loads of entertainment which complete this fun event.

Games Evening is a much anticipated annual event which is always a huge success. Attended by our Seamount children, their families and friends,  this event sees our children participating in a variety of excellent fair type games in the hopes of winning lots of prizes.  The evening wouldn’t be able to go ahead without the help of our amazing Fundraising committee who set up the hall, and the many awesome parents who supervise the games on the evening.  Of course one of the highlights of the evening is a visit to the scary ghost tunnel, which is hosted by the Grade 7 classes. 


Here at Seamount we celebrate our cultural diversity with Heritage day!

Colour Run

We hosted our very first Seamount Colour Run in 2023. Much anticipation and excitement led up to the day of the event. On the day, the learners came to school, kitted out in their white Colour Run t – shirts, ready to become a colourful mess. A route was set up inside the school with paint stations along the way. Our learners ran through each station, becoming covered in powered paint, with many cheers of excitement for the next station. Our Seamount parents and teachers were a tremendous help in making the event a success. We look forward to hosting many more in the future.
Giving back to the community:
On Spring Day, our prefects present cards created by each class at Seamount Primary, to various institutions within our community to show our appreciation for their continued valuable work and support.